Switch to Firefox Browser instead of Google Chrome as it may show Harm your computer warning if installer files with .exe extension is downloaded. Switch OFF Anti Virus or Add Dowloaded file to Exclusion List before running it. For more info click here.

How to download and install games from this blog

Switch to Firefox instead of Chrome

Google Chrome may show every installer file with .EXE extension as suspicious or warning as "harm your computer". Chrome is actually not updating their sense detection engine. So kindly use FireFox Browser which works like a charm and has more Intelligent sense to identify malicious and differentiate from non-malicious installer. If you are die hard chrome fan then you can press Keep as it is shown in below image to not discard or delete the downloaded file

Switch OFF Anti-Virus or Add Dowloaded file to Exclusion List before running it.

All Abandonware 2 decade old games and softwares are checked if they are working and repacked using win-rar sfx compression.

Mostly every install is silent install, you just have to wait for Desktop Shortcut to appear or Readme.txt file to show up.

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Above is Quick Heal Antivirus, Chrome even detects the Anti-Virus Software as Malicious, See the warning sign below. Such is the state of chrome as of now, intelligent users switch to Firefox

DeltaForce 1 for all Windows OS Versions

DeltaForce 1 free download for windows 10 and 11

It is First-person shooter video game that was developed by “Novalogic” and then published by the Electronic Arts. Delta Force game is the first game of the “Delta series” which was released in “September 1998“.

Below are the important features:

1. It is the best shooting game in the world.
2. High-quality graphics used in this game.
3. Single player and multiplayer mode both are available in this game.
4. Use especially for the training of the military.
5. Simple to play and install.

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Run Df.exe Twice if the game didn't start

There are many missions in the game for the players of this delta game. In every mission, there is some difficult task which is for the player that player complete these difficult tasks For the completion of the tasks of any mission, a player can select the best weapons.

Player easily manage all the weapons as he wants. There are 40 missions in Delta force game which allocate the whole world. Player complete all the mission of this game with the help of his companion.

DeltaForce 1 free download for windows 10 and 11

DeltaForce 1 free download for windows 10 and 11

Although you can install it on all Operating system, it will be the best when delta force game free download for windows 10, because win 10 is the best windows, especially for gaming.

One of the best thing if this game is that Game of delta force 1998 free download has the real-world effects. Example of the real world is that there are the bridges which creak, the buzz of the insect, flocks of birds and the fish that seem to bite.

You can watch the movements of your enemy by using the map and even you can listen to the movement according to which you can ready to destroy your enemy.

It is is an older game since from 90’s therefore Sometimes Delta Force 1 is also known as Delta Force 1998 so you don’t need to confused now between two.

How can you Fight in Delta Force Shooter Game?

You can fight in game over the large distance and small distance both. If your enemy is at the distance of 2 or 3 miles you can easily target that and kill your enemy. So from the large distance, you can engage your enemy.

How many missions are in the  Game?

There is the 40 missions in which there is the hard task for the player. These missions are in 5 continents which are ranging from the airfield and takedown in Central Asia.

The Game is a simulation of the military operation of the “USA” which can not be played without the strategy. To make the strategy it is essential for you that you have full command on the map. If you get the full command then you make the good strategy that how you attack your enemies and kill your enemies.

If you have not good command on a map it means that you fail to make the good strategy to attack on your enemies response of which you will lose your FPS.

DeltaForce 1 free download for windows 10 and 11

DeltaForce 1 free download for windows 10 and 11

DeltaForce 1 free download for windows 10 and 11

 Zoom In
It is the technique of using which you can see your enemies and the place of your enemies closer. When you did zoom in then you can kill your enemies with perfection.

 Zoom Out
By using this technique you can see the full area of your enemies at one screen after which you can attack your enemies with the strategy that from which side you attack your enemies and kill them.

There are many weapons added:

PC game which you can use against your enemies. To use these weapons there is no restriction. It is on you that from the different task you choose which types of weapons.

DeltaForce 1 free download for windows 10 and 11

By using the machine guns, rifles, knives and the other weapons according to the mission situation you can save your FPS and can pass much mission by killing the enemies.

Quake 2 for all Windows OS Versions

Quake 2 for all windows os versions

Returning to Quake 2, the legendary shooter that's still fun today

                    Quake II takes place in a science fiction environment. In the single-player game, the player assumes the role of a Marine named Bitterman taking part in "Operation Alien Overlord", a desperate attempt to prevent an alien invasion of Earth by launching a pre-emptive attack against the home planet of the hostile Strogg civilization. Most of the other soldiers are captured or killed as soon as they approach the planned landing zone. Bitterman survives because another Marine's personal capsule collided with his upon launch, causing him to crash far short of the landing zone. Bitterman fights his way through the Strogg city, destroying strategic objectives along the way, and finally kills the Strogg leader, the Makron in his orbital asteroid base.

"Great guns and iconic enemies secure Quake 2's place in the FPS pantheon."

The original Quake was a muddy medieval world of knights, Lovecraftian horrors, and grim castles. But the sequel, cleverly titled Quake II, goes in a different direction entirely. You’re a space marine, naturally, who has crash-landed on an alien world called Stroggos. In a desperate attempt to prevent an invasion, Earth sent an army to the distant planet, but the Strogg knew you were coming and your arrival was a slaughter. The dropships were shot down by anti-air defences and pretty much everyone died, except you. And so, in true id Software FPS style, it becomes a solo mission. 


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There’s a chance you don’t remember any of that. After all, Quake II is not a game renowned for its deep, complex sci-fi storyline. But the inclusion of a plot, and mission objectives, was pretty unique for an FPS in the late ’90s. As you play, a robotic voice regularly drones “computer updated” and gives you mission objectives. By modern standards that’s completely unexciting, but back then it set Quake II apart from id’s other shooters. It was more cinematic, and your actions felt somehow more meaningful. And by ‘your actions’ I mean ‘shooting’, because that’s the beating heart of the game. Shooting things, and avoiding being shot. 

"It’s still one of the finest collections of FPS guns on PC, and every weapon you wield has a distinct personality."

Download Quake 2 full version for windows 10 and 11

At the time, Quake II was a technical marvel. Powered by the id Tech 2 engine, it boasted features that seem unremarkable now, but were amazing in their day. Hardware-accelerated graphics, coloured lighting, skyboxes, and the ability to return to previously completed levels were among its once groundbreaking features. After the release of Quake II, the engine powered several other games, including, in the early stages of its development, Half-Life. Quake II also had massively improved networking, making it one of the best early examples of an online FPS. Mod support also dramatically extended its lifespan for anyone lucky enough to have an internet connection with which to download the things. 

Download Quake 2 full version for windows 10 and 11

People are still making mods today, in fact, including a few that let you play the game at high resolutions and with some graphical improvements. It’ll still look like a game from 1997, but it makes it a bit more tolerable to modern eyes. Character movement is mapped to the arrow keys by default, but after some rebinding you can have it playing like a modern FPS. Although, weirdly, strafing is faster than moving forward and backwards. A strange sensation that took me a while to get used to. But for such an old game, Quake II is surprisingly playable.  

Download Quake 2 full version for windows 10 and 11

A big part of this is its arsenal. It’s still one of the finest collections of FPS guns on PC, and every weapon you wield has a distinct personality. The chaingun rattles at incredible speeds, getting steadily faster the longer you fire it. The super shotgun is like a handheld anti-aircraft gun, and you can almost feel the power as you unload it into an enemy and hear that echoing boom. The exaggerated kickback on the machine gun, which rises slowly as you fire, gives it a sense of physicality. And I love it when you fire the grenade launcher and hear the metal clink of the grenades as they bounce around the level. Every weapon, except maybe the blaster, is a joy to fire. 

But the best of the lot is the railgun. This metal tube of death fires depleted uranium slugs at extremely high velocities, which leave a blue corkscrew of smoke in their wake. The railgun is incredibly accurate—it’s like a sniper rifle without a scope—and it can cut through several Strogg at a time. In fights with multiple enemies, a useful strategy is running around until a few of them are lined up, then firing a slug. Seeing it tear through a line of bad guys is one of the greatest pleasures in first-person shooting.

And the things you shoot are just as well-designed. Quake II has the standard FPS structure of starting you out against small groups of easily-killed grunts, increasing the challenge the deeper into the game you get. In the first few levels you’re fighting shotgun-toting Guards, beefy Enforcers with chainguns, and Berserkers who lunge at you with big metal spikes—and later fire rockets at you. The way enemies explode into chunks of bloody meat, or ‘gibs’ to use the parlance of the times, is still gruesomely satisfying. And there are other grisly touches, like when you don’t quite kill an enemy and they squeeze off a few extra shots before they finally collapse and die. 

Download Quake 2 full version for windows 10 and 11

But this is just to ease you in, and it’s not long before id starts throwing its meanest creations at you in force. The Strogg are weird cyborg hybrids, with mechanical limbs and eerily human, grimacing faces. Gladiators stomp around on metal legs, firing their own version of the railgun at you. Mutants are angry, feral beasts who pounce on you, usually from dark corners. Brains, perhaps the weirdest enemy, attack you with tentacles and blood-stained hooked hands. There’s a huge variety of things to kill, all with unique behaviours and weapons, which keeps the game interesting—especially when you’re facing several types at once. 

The hardest thing to stomach when revisiting Quake II is how brown it is. The switch from dark fantasy to sci-fi leaves the levels brutal, industrial, and metallic. There isn’t much variety or detail in the environments, and the colour palette is depressingly muted. The actual design of the levels is great, with plenty of secret areas and multi-level arenas to fight in, but the lack of colour and almost nonexistent world-building make it feel like a bit of a slog at times. But I remember thinking this back in 1997, and really it’s a game about combat, not drawing you into its world. And since the Strogg live only for war, I guess it makes sense that their planet would be like one giant factory. 

When you’ve fought your way through the Strogg and infiltrated the headquarters of their leader—a space station in an asteroid belt above the planet—it’s time to complete your final objective: kill it. The Strogg leader is called The Makron, and it’s a two-stage boss fight. Its first form is a powerful exoskeleton which comes equipped with a BFG10K, the most powerful weapon in the game. And, unlike your own BFG, it can fire it multiple times in quick succession. When you destroy the mech, it’s time to kill The Makron itself, which also has a BFG as well as a blaster and a railgun. Luckily the arena is littered with power-ups, health, and ammo, including a secret underground chamber that can be accessed by pressing a hidden switch. When the boss falls, you step into an escape pod, and that’s it. ‘The End’ unceremoniously flashes up on the screen, and your only choice is to go back to the menu. Imagine if a game ended like that today. 

Download Quake 2 full version for windows 10 and 11

Quake II is still a great game, and I’m surprised by how well it holds up. There’s something about the feel of the weapons, the way they’re animated and how they sound, that makes them some of the best examples in the genre. Even the new Doom, which is a fantastic ode to this era of shooter design, doesn’t have anything quite as enjoyably punchy as Quake’s railgun.

Super Mario for all Windows OS platforms

mario game for windows 10 and 11

                    The Super Mario games are set primarily in the fictional Mushroom Kingdom, typically with Mario as the player character. He is usually joined by his brother, Luigi, and often by other members of the Mario cast. As platform games, they involve the player character running and jumping across platforms and atop enemies in themed levels. The games have simple plots, typically with Mario and Luigi rescuing the kidnapped Princess Peach from the primary antagonist, Bowser. The first game in the series, Super Mario Bros., released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1985, established the series' core gameplay concepts and elements. These include a multitude of power-ups and items that give the character special powers such as fireball-throwing and size-changing.

Super Mario Bros., the first side-scrolling 2D platform game to feature Mario, was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1985. It was derived through collaboration by Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka as a successor to the 1983 arcade game Mario Bros., which starred two characters: Mario, the titular character that first appeared in Donkey Kong as the original player character and its sequel where he was a final boss, and Luigi, who first appeared in Mario Bros.

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Super Mario Bros. established many core Mario elements, such as Goombas, Koopa Troopas, Bowser, Peach, and its three power-ups: the Super Mushroom, increasing the character's size and providing an extra hit point, Fire Flower, allowing the character to throw fireballs as weapons, and Super Star, granting temporary invincibility. The etymology of "Super" in the title came from the integration of the Super Mushroom into the game.

 The brothers Mario and Luigi must rescue Princess Toadstool/Peach from Bowser/King Koopa in the Mushroom Kingdom. The game consists of eight worlds of four levels each, totaling 32 levels altogether. Though the worlds differ in themes, the fourth level is always a fortress or castle that ends with a fight against Bowser (or one of his minions disguised as him).[5] Super Mario Bros. is one of the best-selling video games of all time.

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ROAD RASH Racing Games for All Windows Versions


road rash for windows 10 and windows 11

                Road Rash is a motorcycle racing video game series by Electronic Arts in which the player participates in violent, illegal street races. The series started on the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive and was released on various other systems over the years. The game's title is based on the slang term for the severe friction burns that can occur in a motorcycle fall where skin comes into contact with the ground at high speed.

Race around a bunch of tracks with little regard for property, pedestrians, or public law officials. Show good sportsmanship by punching out your fellow bikers. It has real bands doing real rock music for background tunes (Monster Magnet, Paw, and one you’ve actually heard of, the mighty Soundgarden). It has beautiful menus, with backgrounds of cartoon people vomiting


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Click "Yes" while install and Play by clicking Shortcut on Desktop

It’s Road Rash, the classic console game, on the PC. Even weirder, it was done by Papyrus, known for such award-winning simulations as IndyCar and NASCAR Racing. This isn’t a simulation though รข€“ far from it. It is, however, a good quality conversion, with network play being the main improvement. Of course, there’s the sharp high-resolution graphics the console versions could never have attempted.

It was a great game for the Sega Genesis. It was a great game for the 3DO. It’s still a great game on the PC, though you’d think they could have added a few more features (more tracks would have been particularly nice). At least they’ve added some newer songs supplementing Soundgarden’s two tracks from their Badmotorfinger record are two from their Superunknown, “Kickstand” and the title track. Other than that this is essentially the same console game with higher res graphics, a workable multiplayer and good bike-mageddon fun.

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Virtual Cop 2 PC Game Download


virtual cop pc game for windows 10 and windows 11

                    The game features three levels through which the player's movement is automated on a predetermined path. However, unlike the first Virtua Cop, at certain points the player picks their route from two possible choices. It is the player's job to shoot the criminals that appear before time runs out and they shoot back, while taking care not to shoot any innocent bystanders. Along the way there are various objects in the background that can be broken if shot, some of which will reveal power ups afterwards. As with the first Virtua Cop, players earn extra points for "justice shots", meaning shooting an enemy's gun hand to disarm them without killing them. By consistently defeating enemies without taking hits or shooting hostages, the player increases the multiplier which is applied every time they earn points. At the end of each level there is a boss battle, as well as one extra final boss battle after all three levels have been finished.


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A combat training simulator, the "Proving Ground", simulates a variety of life-threatening situations. Each Proving Ground stage is designed to simulate a hostile urban environment thronging with enemies. The goal of each stage is to blast through the crowd of thugs while hunting down and taking out the rival player.

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Prince of Persia Classic 2D Version 2

Prince of Persia 2 Download

Prince of Persia 2

In ancient Persia there lived a Sultan who had an only daughter whose beauty was like moonrise in a clear heaven. Now it happened that the Sultan left his kingdom to fight in a foreign land. In his absence, the Princess fell in love with a young traveller who climbed the palace wall to see her. This did not please the Sultan's Grand Vizier Jaffar who meant to marry the Princess himself. Seizing power, Jaffar had his rival thrown into the dungeons but the young man escaped and struck down the evil magician. When he learned of his Vizier's treachery, the grateful Sultan offered riches but the stranger requested just one reward. And so the young lovers were wed and they lived happily well, for eleven days. One morning as the Prince stands before the doors of the throne room a coldness like a shadow passes over him. As he approaches the throne he feels the eyes of the court upon him. The Princess and Sultan stare at him. Princess, why do you look at me so strangely?" How dare you speak to the Princess? Guards! Seize him! Seize him!! "Don't hurt him! He's just a poor mad beggar." After him! Don't let him get away!

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For Prince of Persia Version 1 Click Here

Prince of Persia Classic 2D Version 2

Prince of Persia Classic 2D Version 2

Prince of Persia Classic 2D Version 2

Prince of Persia Classic 2D Version 2

Prince of Persia Classic 2D Version 2

How to download and install games from this blog

Switch to Firefox instead of Chrome Google Chrome may show every installer file with .EXE extension as suspicious or warning as "harm ...