Switch to Firefox Browser instead of Google Chrome as it may show Harm your computer warning if installer files with .exe extension is downloaded. Switch OFF Anti Virus or Add Dowloaded file to Exclusion List before running it. For more info click here.

How to download and install games from this blog

Switch to Firefox instead of Chrome

Google Chrome may show every installer file with .EXE extension as suspicious or warning as "harm your computer". Chrome is actually not updating their sense detection engine. So kindly use FireFox Browser which works like a charm and has more Intelligent sense to identify malicious and differentiate from non-malicious installer. If you are die hard chrome fan then you can press Keep as it is shown in below image to not discard or delete the downloaded file

Switch OFF Anti-Virus or Add Dowloaded file to Exclusion List before running it.

All Abandonware 2 decade old games and softwares are checked if they are working and repacked using win-rar sfx compression.

Mostly every install is silent install, you just have to wait for Desktop Shortcut to appear or Readme.txt file to show up.

google chrome is waste firefox is best

Above is Quick Heal Antivirus, Chrome even detects the Anti-Virus Software as Malicious, See the warning sign below. Such is the state of chrome as of now, intelligent users switch to Firefox

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How to download and install games from this blog

Switch to Firefox instead of Chrome Google Chrome may show every installer file with .EXE extension as suspicious or warning as "harm ...