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Simple PC Games enjoyed by 90's kids

old pc games free download

Check for shortcut folders created on desktop after running the file.

Password for file: 90
(Works on all Windows OS versions 95,98,2003,XP,7,10,11)

Most are silent install, just double click & wait for desktop shortcut and Readme.txt to appear
Dangerous Dave Download
Prince of Persia Classic 2D Download
Prince of Persia Classic Version 2Download
Road Rash(Click "Yes" while install, Run Desktop Shortcut)Download
Virtual Cop 2 Download
Mario (Alt key for Jump)Download
Contra (space bar for fire and n for jump) Download
SuperContra (z for fire and x for jump)Download
Wolfenstein 3D (space bar for opening doors, mouse fire)Download
Mario Forever (Nice clear Graphics install version)Download
Mario and Luigi BrothersDownload
Jungle BookDownload
DOOM 1Download
DOOM 2Download
Hocus PocusDownload
Deltaforce 1(Run Df.exe twice if game didn't start)Download
Quake II(silent install, double click&wait for desktop shortcut)Download
100 Flash Games including ContraDownload
Ghosts n Goblins (Prequel to Plants and Zombies)Download
Plants and Zombies Final EditionDownload
40 Flash Games for Grown Ups(Install Swiff player or KM Player)Download
War Chess 3DDownload

90s kid pc games

Road Rash game download for windows 10 and windows 11

90s kid pc games

PCs have been around for decades, but changes in Windows versions and CPU architectures mean today's PCs can't easily run games made for '80s and '90s machines. Sure, it's simple to install and run games now thanks to widespread and fairly universal graphics accelerators, extensive multimedia support, and automatic driver setup, but those benefits only apply to games that can take advantage of them. Back when mice and keyboards used PS2 and serial connectors, and sound cards and optical drives were considered high-end gaming hardware, you had to wrestle to get games running. 

virtual cop pc game download for latest windows version

Now, with hardware so advanced those games might as well be cavemen staring at UFOs, it's even harder to get them running. Fortunately, you have several choices for playing older PC games. Some have been remade or remastered and can simply be installed easily on your modern PC. Some require a bit of a workaround. Some require an extensive workaround. Here are your options for playing classic PC games. And if you want to play classic console games, we have a guide for that, too.

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Switch to Firefox instead of Chrome Google Chrome may show every installer file with .EXE extension as suspicious or warning as "harm ...