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Journey into the World of 90's Kids



90s kid pc games

We all know that school life was the golden period of our lives but gone are the days for every 90s kid. We often say we don't realise the value of the moment till it's gone, the same goes with school memories. 

Also, 90s school kids were probably the last generation that spent time outside playing with friends and not on mobile games. 90s kids have school friends, not Facebook friends. We were the last generation of kids who truly knew how to be kids. These days, playing outside has been replaced by sitting inside texting, playing video games and surfing the internet.

All of us have great memories from the 90s school life as opposed to social media life and digital networking. So, lets relive some beautiful memories of school life during the 90s.

Speaking in terms of Floppy Boot MS-DOS Operating System and game floppy the large floppy which has Maths Puzzle Solving game and Parachute Shooter game.

Then came games like Hocus-Pocus, Dave, Prince-of-Persia and so on., all can be stored on a 1.4mb floppy disk.

Then Delta-Force, Age of Empires, Diablo, Quake, Wolfenstien 3D and famous ROAD RASH, Outwars etc...

Apart from TV Console, Mario bros and Contra is totally another story.

90s kid pc games

90s kid pc games

PC applications were junk loaded with lot of freewares, mostly MP3 converters, editors and CD-ROM, CD-RW(was Wow moment) burners. Nero Burner, one cannot miss it as the PC of every 90's Kid is burning continuously until the invent of pen usb drives.

Lot of softwares without or with knowing purpose was installed and sat on every home PC of 90's teens. Video cutters, boring mpeg and dat movie format, thank God was replaced by mkv and mp4. 

For many Millennials, the '90s is a time steeped deeply in nostalgia. It was the decade that saw us through late-childhood, adolescence, and into early adulthood, a transformational period that now seems softened and safe, even if it didn’t feel that way at the time. Certain objects, songs, and television shows from the '90s have a weird power to instantly plunge me into overly enthusiastic nostalgia.

Bookmark and share to re-live and re-build the 90's Kid PC. Lets throw away the boring app and touch and settings, these names are still feeling alien to hear.

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